Prof. Dr. Adrianto Ahmad MT.

NIP/NIDK : 19581018 198703 1 001
Email :;

  1. Sarjana Kimia (Drs) Universitas Andalas
  2. Magister Teknik Kimia (MT) Institute Teknologi Bandung
  3. Doktor Teknik Lingkungan (Dr) Institute Teknologi Bandung


  1. A Hammoudeh, R Tabbalat, Y Badaineh, Ahmad, A., D Jaarah, M Bahhour, M Juma, A Migdad, J Shahadeh, I Alhaddad . (2023). The high-risk intersection of atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease in a Middle Eastern cohort. Analysis from the Jordan atrial fibrillation study. Atherosclerosis , Volume 379, S190 - S191.

  2. JD Patel, A Vikal, V Kumar, Ahmad, A., K Sharma, K Asha . (2023). THE MICROBIOME AND METABOLIC DISORDERS: THE LINK BETWEEN THE GUT MICROBIOTA AND METABOLIC SYNDROME.. Georgian Medical News , Issue 340-341, Pages 153-158.

  3. Ahmad, A. Sulaiman Sulaiman, MS Ali, U Congge, DM Raisa, P Astaman . (2023). Institutional dynamics of food production and consumption in the highland and small island. AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 2628. Issue 1.

  4. Ahmad, A, Hastang Hastang, V Tenrisanna . (2023). Identification of internal and external factors of frozen beef marketing in CV. Awal Putra Ma Rangga Malili. AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 2628. Issue 1.

  5. DM Raisa,Ahmad, A, A Nugraha, M Qinayah, Megawati Megawati, P Astaman . (2023). Development strategy of the group of women farmers in the use of yard land in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 2628. Issue 1.

  6. AR Siregar, P Astaman, M Darwis,Ahmad, A DM Raisa . (2023). Correlation analysis to the linear factors on layer egg demand. AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 2628. Issue 1.

  7. Aman, Awaluddin, A., Ahmad, A., and Olivia, M . (2016). Paving Blok Geopolimer dari Fly Ash limbah Pabrik. Prosiding Seminar Nasional "Pelestarian Lingkungan & Mitigasi Bencana" Pekanbaru, 28 Mei 2016 , p.113-118.