Ahmad Fadli, ST., MT., PhD.

NIP/NIDK : 19731025 199803 1 002
Email : fadliunri@yahoo.com

  1. Sarjana Teknik Kimia (ST) Universitas Sriwijaya
  2. Magister Teknik Kimia (MT) Universitas Gadjah Mada
  3. Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering (Dr) International Islamic University Malaysia


  1. Zultiniar, Fadli, A., Yenti, S., Drastinawati and Thariq, M . (2018). Fabricaton of brick without burning process. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 345, p.012017.

  2. Fadli, A.,Akbar, F., Prabowo, A. and Hidayah, P . (2018). Coating hydroxiapatite on stainless steel 316 L by using sago starch as binder with dip-coating method. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 345, p.012036.

  3. Fadli, A.,Yenti, S., Akbar, F., Maihendra and Mawarni, F . (2018). Adsorption kinetics of ion of Pb2+ using Tricalcium Phosphate particles. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 345, p.012047.

  4. Fadli, A.,Amri, A., Octiana Sari, E., Iwantono, I. and Adnan, A . (2017). Crystal -Growth Kinetics of Magnetite (FE3O4) Nanoparticles using the Ostwald Ripening Model. International Journal of Technology , 8(8), p.1445.

  5. Fadli, A.,Sari, M., and Amri, A . (2015). Effect of Voltage and Deposition Time on the Electrophoretic Deposition of Hydroxyapatite Coatings. Proceeding of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace , 2(1), p.35-37.