Zulfansyah, ST., MT.

NIP/NIDK : 19690222 199703 1 001
Email : zulfansyah@unri.ac.id

  1. Sarjana Teknik Kimia (ST) Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh
  2. Magister Teknik Kimia (MT) Institute Teknologi Bandung


  1. Cici Maarasyid, Ida Idayu, Zulfansyah, Israyandi Israyandi, Lisa Legawati, Dini Aulia Sari Ermal, Dwi Annisa Fithry . (2024). Thermogravimetric Analysis of Eucalyptus Leaves as An Alternative Fuel for Rural Areas. Semesta Teknika , Volume 27 Issue 1 Pages 21-27.

  2. Meilani Kusuma Wati, Elmi Sunarya, Nada Zafirah, Hari Rionaldo, Zulfansyah . (2024). Economic Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of Methanol Plant from Glycerol. Jurnal Informasi, Sains dan Teknologi , Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 30-37.

  3. Faiprianda Assyari Rahmatullah, Tegar Pamungkas, Zulfansyah, Sarah Mutia, Hari Rionaldo . (2024). Simulation of dimethyl ether production as LPG Substitute using LNG from Arun Terminal with tri-reforming and direct synthesis method. Konversi , Volume 13 Issue 1.

  4. Zulfansyah, Hari Rionaldo, Zuqni Meldha, Nirwana Nirwana, Maria Peratenta, Sri Helianty . (2023). Sosialisasi Kompor Gasifikasi KOMAS Untuk Kebutuhan Memasak Di Desa Batu Belah Kabupaten Kampar. Jurnal Masyarakat Mengabdi Nusantara , Volume 2 Issue 4 Pages 77-86.

  5. Mutia Salsabila Octaruri, Sarah Mutia, Tegar Pamungkas, Zulfansyah, Hari Rionaldo . (2023). Process Selection Review of Green Hydrogen Production from Palm Biomass. 1st International Engineering Student Conference , 00.

  6. Kevin Regardy Onasis, Rival Andesta, Hari Rionaldo, Zulfansyah . (2023). Optimization Process Condition of Oil Palm Sap Preservation Using Biochemical Preservative. 1st International Engineering Student Conference , 00.

  7. Maarasyid, C., Muhamad, I., Nik Mahmood, N. and Zulfansyah . (2017). Solid Fuel Feedstock from Leaves Litter of Industrial Forestry in Riau, Indonesia. Materials Science Forum , 883, pp.102-107.

  8. Fatra, W., Rouhillahi, H., Helwani, Z., Zulfansyah and Asmura, J . (2016). Effect of Alkaline Treatment on the Properties of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber-reinforced Polypropylene Composite. International Journal of Technology , 7(6), p.1026.

  9. Fatra, W., Sanjaya, R., Zulfansyah, Rionaldo, H. and Helwani, Z . (2015). Alkaline Treatment of Oil Palm Frond Fibers by Using Extract of Oil Palm EFB Ash for Better Adhesion toward Polymeric Matrix.. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences , 47(5), pp.498-507.